Unst Walks
These are some suggested routes for walks in Unst.
Always take account of the weather before starting your journey.
It is advisable to inform someone of your route in case of accident/emergency.
Some of the routes below are also on the Shetland Core Paths plan. Unst Walks can be seen at this link.
(Healthy Shetland have produced a Guide to 5 very short walks in Unst. Click on this link to see them.)
Walk 1 Hermaness Link to Map 1
See the Nature Scot Hermaness website here:-
Sea cliffs and Moorland.
Distance 9km or 5.6 miles.
Duration 3 to 4.5 hours. Allowing for wildlife viewing.
Difficulty Moderate. A boardwalk covers the bog areas.
Height gain 200 metres.
Start and finish point HP 612 149
Maps OS Landranger 1 or OS Explorer 470.
See Cicerone Guide walk 77.
After the entrance gate, follow the path up to the where the walkways fork.
Nature Scot, formerly Scottish Natural Heritage, have now completed walkways around Hermaness. Shortly after the entrance path, you can choose either to go west across to the cliffs on a walkway, or north towards the Muckle Flugga on another walkway. Please keep to these walkways where possible to avoid erosion. You can either return the way you have come, or go on a circular route by walking along the west coast to join up with the other walkway. (See Map 1 or Nature Scot's Hermaness website. The dotted lines on Map 1 mark the old paths - but the new walkways roughly follow the two routes.)
Sother’s Brek and Hermaness Hill are the home of Red-Throated Diver, Snipe, Dunlin, Golden Plover and over 600 pairs of Great Skuas.
Hermaness is one of the largest nest sites for these birds.
The descent from Hermaness Hill opens up to amazing views of the Skerries and Muckle Flugga lighthouse. The most northerly of these rocks is Out Stack, the furthest extremity of the British Isles. The steep descent takes you to the sight and sound of 12,000
pairs of Gannets.
Southward are great views of the sea cliffs and northward to Muckle Flugga, built on rocks formed 600 million years ago.
Walk 2 Saxa Vord via Norwick Circular Link to Map 2
Distance 7 Km, 4.4 miles
Duration 2.5 hours
Difficulty Moderate
Height gain 230 metres 750 feet
Start & finish point WAW information centre car park, Saxavord Resort
Maps OS Landranger 1 or OS Explorer 470
Leaving the Car Park, walk down to the Norwick Saxa Vord crossroads and go straight over,
heading up Saxa Vord Hill. Crossing the cattle grid ignore the ex MOD signs beside the
road. (The signs only apply to fenced MOD property) As you climb Saxa Vord Hill you will
see the Norwick and Haroldswick bays come into view behind you. As the road levels out,
to your left are spectacular views of Burrafirth and the Old Lighthouse Shore Station, now
private accommodation, and Hermaness. Walking further, views of Muckle
Flugga and Out Stack come into view. On late summer evenings there are spectacular
sunsets. Walking towards the RAF Saxa Vord radar station, a turning will appear on your
right. On this walk, turn right up the hill - do not heed the old MOD sign. As you reach the
top you will be treated to almost 360 deg views of Unst, Fetlar, and Yell. The tarmac road
takes you toward the old radar point overlooking the most northerly house in the UK and
Skaw Beach. There are several paths that you can take back down to the Skaw road and
then down to Norwick beach and the road back to Saxa Vord.
June 2021 - The latter part of this route may be blocked due to construction work at Inner Skaw.
You may have to return by retracing your steps. Check signage or ask locally.
Walk 3 Saxa Vord via The Noup & Sothers Field Link to Map 3
Distance 15 Km, 8 miles.
Duration 5-6 hours
Difficulty Moderate to challenging. Steep cliffs at some points.
Height gain 230 metres 750 feet
Start & finish WAW information centre car park, Saxavord Resort
Maps OS Landranger 1 or OS Explorer 470
Leaving the Car Park, walk down to the Norwick - Saxa Vord crossroads. Go straight over
heading up Saxa Vord Hill. Crossing the cattle grid, ignore the ex MOD signs beside the
road. (The signs only apply to fenced MOD property.) As you climb Saxa Vord Hill, you will see
the Norwick and Haroldswick bays come into view behind you. As the road levels out on
your left are spectacular views of Burrafirth and the Old Lighthouse Shore Station, now
private accommodation, and the Hermaness Nature Reserve. Views of Muckle Flugga and
Out Stack will soon appear. On late summer evenings there are spectacular sunsets.
Walking towards the RAF Saxa Vord radar station, you will pass a road turning uphill on
your right. On your left you will see a track heading north with an old drop down road
barrier. Following this track takes you beside beautiful Burrafirth and Muckle Flugga in the
distance. To the right up above you is the main Saxa Vord radar and buildings. The track
continues down and, during the summer, the Bonxies will be evident soaring above and
occasionally will dive down over your head if you stray near their nests. Once leaving
the derelict buildings behind, the cliff views are spectacular and northward lies the Arctic.
The ground here can be steep so caution is needed. Continue walking with the cliffs on
your left till you reach Rurhella and then walk south west uphill till you reach Burn of
Skaw which you can follow back to the Saxa Vord hill road and back down to the car park.
For a longer walk, continue the cliff walk to Skaw before taking the road back to Norwick and
then back to Saxa Vord car park.
Walk 4 Belmont to Lund Link to Map 4
Distance 7km, 4.5miles
Duration 3-4 hours
Difficulty Moderate
Height gain 50 metres
Start point Belmont Ferry Terminal
Maps OS Landranger 1 or OS Explorer 470
Begin this walk at the Belmont ferry terminal. The walk is reasonably flat but incorporates
some of Unst’s finest scenery and archaeological features. Unless you arrange to be collected
or leave a car at Lund, you will need to return the way you came.
From the terminal walk beside the road till you reach a track which turns left down to the
sea. Follow the coastline to Hoga Ness. You will pass the now fully restored Belmont
House, a Scottish Heritage project. The broch site at Hoga Ness is well worth a visit. Then
head north towards the ruined croft buildings on the skyline.
From the ruined croft head north again to the scattered stones of what could have been a
chambered cairn. You then descend to the shore at Snarra Voe and what was a former
shop and school. The route round the shore and up to the settlement can be muddy, so
you may wish to keep to the shingle beach. Look out for wading birds. From the ruins of
Snarravoe, head uphill and north across the moors to Snaborough, a Shetland secret. Keep
to the west shore of a small loch with a massive broch and a cluster of croft buildings. This
location has a special atmosphere with fine views of south Unst and Fetlar
from the higher ground. From Snaborough, the ground falls away and the remainder of the
route is clear in front of you. You will see the Lund Kirk with its wonderful cemetery and fine beach.
From here you may wish to extend your walk to Westing or return the way you came.
Walk 5 Saxa Vord - Horns of Hagmark Circular Link to Map 5
Distance 8.4 km 5.2 miles
Duration 3-4 hours
Difficulty Moderate
Height gain 150 metres
Start & finish point Saxavord Resort or Clibberswick, depending on which direction you go.
Maps OS Landranger 1 or OS Explorer 470
From Saxa Vord take the road north, past the Nordabrake Houses to Norwick. At the first
junction, turn right. (The left turn is the road to Skaw but that's for another day.) At the next
junction, turn right and go up to the Cemetery. After passing the Cemetery, go through the gate
at the rear of the white cottage (Millfield). Then follow the fence line down to the sea. Go over the stile
and follow the coast line up the hill. Erosion has made the beach and bank very difficult,
and, in wet conditions, dangerous.
The climb up to the Horns of Hagmark is quite steep but the views are
well worth the climb. Follow cliffs on the descent. On windy days stay well away from the
cliff edge as they are over 200 feet high in places. Keep children close and dogs on the lead.
On the descent, you will get great views of Balta Island and the very strong tides. As
you descend to the sea and head west towards Clibberswick, you will find lots of walled
circles - great places for shelter and coffee. You will come across fences but look out for the
crossing points. You will eventually come to a ladder stile over a wall and then a track
beside the last talcum powder quarry in the UK. (It is quite coarse and is used as a lubricant or in animal feed.)
On the other side of the quarry is a road to the Clibberswick settlement. You will usually find numbers of Shetland ponies in the fields.
At the junction for the main road, turn right and follow the road back up to Saxa Vord.
Walk 6 Westing via Valla Field Circular Link to Map 6
Distance 8 km 5 miles
Duration 3 hours
Difficulty Moderate compass & navigation skills
Height gain 216 metres
Start & finish point Westing HP572061
Maps OS Landranger 1 or OS Explorer 470; Cicerone Guide, walk 73.
Start the walk by going along the lane from Westing beyond New Gord. A track continues
out onto open moorland and then to the Breck of Newgord. You should walk forward to
the coast at Collaster. Walk round the Ness of Collaster till you reach a burn plunging down
from a small cliff onto the beach below. Continue round the coastline to the magnificent
Bogligarths Geo. Now turn northward to the Loch of Bogligarths.
Continue North to Hagdale’s Ness which you follow round and out onto the Ness itself.
From Hagdale’s Ness walk east, climbing steeply to gain the moorland ridge at Ward of .
Houlland. In spring this is great nesting terrain so take care. Also take time to look for dunlin,
golden plover, curlew and whimbrel. In the small lochs you may come across red-throated divers.
After a short way from the top of Hagmar turn southwest. Keep to the high ground
walking parallel to the coastline to Berry Knowe and onto the narrower ridge of Valla
Field. To the east is Longa Water, a beauty spot. From here drop down the south side of
Valla Field to Gossa Water. In the fields of the Westing, skylarks abound. Walk
west and regain the minor road at the Westing.
Walk 7 Hellya Brun & Valla Field Link to Map 6 - suitable for this walk too
This walk starts on the A968 between Baltasound and Uyeasound. The walk takes a track to the third highest point on the Island. The 360 degree views from the trig point are spectacular. The walk is easy to moderate and is 6 miles in overall length on a clear defined track. On your return there is a stile leading to the lochside to extend the walk and view wildlife.
Walk 8 Uyeasound to Easting Beach (Sand Wick) via Muness See Core paths Map for Unst (click for link here)
Distance 11km, 7 miles
Time 3-4 hours (Round trip via Hannigarth 5-6 hours; Distance 14km, 9 miles)
Coastal walk - but if you go back via Hannigarth there is a walk up from the beach of about 15 minutes to the road.
Difficulty - Easy to moderate
Start and Finish point Uyeasound, Easter Loch (parking area at Uyeasound Hall)
Maps OS Landranger 1 or OS Explorer 470
A good walk for people staying at Gardiesfauld Youth Centre. Go to the East side of Uyeasound. Walk past the big pier to the east, along past the row of house on East Road, and then follow the signs around the coast to Muness and finally the Easting Beach. Muness Castle can be seen up above the coastal route. There is a Viking longhouse site at the middle of the beach and another Viking site (Framgord) and a graveyard at the far end of the beach. You can make this a circular walk by walking up from the Easting beach to Hannigarth and following the road up to a T junction. Left takes you back to Muness, right takes you down the road back to Uyeasound, passing a Standing Stone at Clivocast on the way. You will pass the Uyeasound Galley Shed, Uyeasound Kirk and the old Uyeasound School as you walk down the hill. There is a playpark at the old School if you still have energy left.
Walk 9 Keen of Hamar - Baltasound Circular Link to Map of area
Distance 6km, 3.5 miles
Time 2-4 hours, depending on how long you spend at the Keen and whether you divert to the Viking longhouse.
(There is a short cut if you head north back to the start when you reach the large white house at Hamar, rather than going back along the road to the Hotel. If you take the short cut, you will miss the Swedish Stone at the foot of the road leading up to the Hotel.)
Difficulty - Moderate
Start and Finish point Keen of Hamar Reserve Car Park
Maps OS Landranger 1 or OS Explorer 470
This walk visits a number of interesting locations from a Nature Reserve to a Shetland Geopark location and a Viking Unst site. There is a long coastal section with spectacular views from one of Unst’s higher points, at the top of the Keen.
Keen of Hamar Nature Reserve - more information
Start from the Keen of Hamar Car park. Explore the Keen, a Nature Reserve with rare Alpine plants, on a bare rocky landscape, including the world population of Edmondston's Chickweed. Head up the Keen, over a stile at the top of the hill and walk along a walled section. At the end of this, head south following the fence. (There are views over to Balty Island, Huney Isle and Fetlar in the distance.) Keep the fence on your left - the cliffs on the other side are very steep. Cross a stile at the bottom of the hill and head south to the coast. Follow the coast around back towards Baltasound. (There is a Viking longhouse further up the hill as you walk back towards Baltasound, on a fenced off area with an information board. It is not sign-posted and is about 200 metres up from the shore. Click here for a link to an information page about the longhouse, which includes a map of how to find it on the "Hamar Trail" PDF on this webpage.) Cross the stile below the large white house (Hamar), walk about 150 yards and then head up to your right, to the tarred road. you now have a choice of routes.
If you follow this road to your left, it will lead to the Swedish Stone at the road junction below the Hotel. Head up past the Hotel to the main road and turn right to go up towards the Bus Shelter and back along the Keen of Hamar road to the car park where you started from.
OR, if you want a short cut back to the car park, go up towards the two storey house at Hamar. Walk over the cattle grid near the house where you will see another stile crossing the fence, beside a clothes pole. It is just to the left of Hamar. Head north up the hill past two more houses further up. Keep them to your left and just beyond them you will see the Keen of Hamar Car Park again.
Just down the road from the Baltasound Hotel is the Swedish Stone, marking the area nearby that was the site of the "Swedish Kirk", used by Swedish fishermen in the early 20th century. (The building was blown away in a hurricane in 1992.) More information on this can be found by clicking here: Swedish Stone information
Walk 10 The Round Unst Trek or Walkers are Welcome Trek Map of Unst required!
This is an opportunity to achieve something special. During the many years that the RAF were based at Saxa Vord, each year they would complete this trail as an exercise, recreation or a charity event.
The trail around the Unst coastline is about 60 miles and can be completed in easy sections; or as the challenge of a single event:-
Belmont to Westing 6.5 mile 4 hours. (Easy)
Westing to Woodwick 4.5 miles 2.5 hours (Moderate.)
Woodwick to Hermaness 6 miles 3 hours (Steep cliffs on this route.)
Hermaness to Burrafirth 8 miles 4 hours (Steep cliffs on this route.)
Burrafirth to Skaw 7 miles 4 hours (Take care - steep cliffs north of Saxa Vord.)
Skaw to Norwick 3 miles 2 hours (Road above Norwick closed to traffic.)
Norwick to Haroldswick 4 miles 3 hours (Walk 5 is part of this - steep in places.)
Haroldswick to Baltasound 4.5 miles 3 hours (Walk 9 is part of this. Fairly easy, but keep inside fence on Keen of Hamar, steep cliffs.)
Baltasound to Muness 8.5 miles 4 hours (Fairly easy.)
Muness to Uyeasound 5 miles 2.5 hours (Fairly easy - reverse of Walk 8.)
Uyeasound to Belmont 3 miles 2 hours. (Fairly easy.)
TOTAL 60 Miles 27.5 hours
The above times for each section do not take into consideration stops for wildlife viewing or coffee and meal breaks or visiting sites of
This whole route is covered by OS Landranger 1 and Explorer Map 470.
This route is also covered by the book “Walking the Coastline of Shetland: Book 2: Unst” by Peter Guy, now out of print but you may be able to find a copy locally.
There are many other circular and cross country walks on Unst (and Yell) in distances of between 2 & 30 miles.
North Yell.
Stuis of Graveland. 3/4 hours. HV 463927 7.3 miles
The Gloup Memorial 2/3 hours HV 506 045 8.4 miles
Wick of Skaw. 1 hour. HP 657163 1 mile
(For more information, see links to "Visit Unst" on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram sites below. See also the website www.visit-unst.com)